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Hunter Biden Sends Cease-and-desist to Trump Over Truth Social Posts

Hunter Biden’s lawyer issued a cease-and-desist letter to Donald Trump this week over the former president’s “harmful” Truth Social posts, has learned.

Hunter’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, issued the letter on Thursday and argued that Trump’s “harmful” social media rhetoric “could lead to [Hunter] or his family’s injury.”

“We are just one such social media message away from another incident, and you should make clear to Mr. Trump – if you have not done so already – that Mr. Trump’s words have caused harm in the past and threaten to do so again if he does not stop,” Hunter’s lawyer added.

Lowell also criticized Trump for the former president’s repeated allegations that the dime-sized baggie of cocaine found in the White House earlier this month belonged to President Joe Biden and Hunter.

“You know, if Mr. Trump does not, that Mr. Biden has neither committed nor been accused of the charges that your client is claiming … and that the Biden family was not at the White House (let alone in the vestibule) in the period when the cocaine was found,” Lowell wrote to Trump’s lawyers.

Hunter’s lawyer then concluded the cease-and-desist letter by telling Trump’s legal team while they “need not respond,” they should inform the embattled ex-president “how his incitement can further hurt people and cause himself even more legal trouble.”

“I’d bet they already know but just in case, it could be done in 5 minutes,” Trump wrote on Monday. “Is it Crooked Joe and his wonderful son, Hunter?”

“Release the findings, release the tapes,” he added. “We can’t have a crackhead in charge of our Nuclear Arsenal!!!”

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