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Melania Trump Cuts Deal With Donald To Not Be A ’24/7′ First Lady

Should Barron choose NYU as his educational path, Melania plans to stay at Trump Tower in NYC to support him emotionally and be physically close by.

This decision aligns with Melania’s previous choice to delay moving into the White House in 2017 to allow Barron to finish his school year in New York City without interruption.

The source added, “Donald is close to Barron, but isn’t going to tossing footballs with him when he’s the president and the head of the free world. Donald has already agreed to this and feels that mothers and parents across the country will understand Melania’s devotion to their son.”

“Donald trusts Melania to bring up their son the same way he trusted Ivana to bring up their children,” they continued. “Donald feels it worked for Ivanka, Eric and Don Jr.

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