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William Shatner Wants to Revive Kirk for New Star Trek Film: Wants to Look Young

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Source: Mega

Jun. 23 2024, Published 5:00 a.m. ET

Actor William Shatner is preparing to boldly go where he’s often gone before — back into the role of Star Trek’s Captain Kirk, say sources, who add the 93-year-old is pulling out all the stops to look as young and fit as possible, can reveal.

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Source: MEGA

Sources say the 93-year-old is pulling out all the stops to look as young and fit as possible.

“Bill is known for work on his hair and living a very healthy lifestyle, but he’s going further now to include lots of pampering and noninvasive procedures,” spilled an insider. “He’s doing a little bit here and there with his face, and his dermatologist has no doubt become his best friend. He’s also hiring a personal trainer to build up muscle.”

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Shatner recently revealed he’d be down for reprising his role as the iconic Star Trek character in a new movie, despite Kirk being killed off in the 1994 film Star Trek: Generations. He suggests Kirk’s body and brain could be revived from a deep freeze.

“It’s an intriguing idea,” Shatner says. And he’s apparently already launched himself into antiaging mode.

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william shatner  birthday funeral death
Source: MEGA

He’s working with a company that “takes years off your face.”


William Shatner

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“He’s going on a diet to deal with his belly,” reveals the insider. “He’d rather slim down naturally than wear another corset. He’s also eating lots of anti-inflammatory meals like fish and sweet potatoes, and veggies with hummus, along with fresh fruit.

“Bill always thought he was a handsome stud, but he’s on a personal mission to prove that 93 is the new 43.” has contacted Shatner’s rep for comment.

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Shatner says he’s also working with a company specializing in technology that “takes years off your face” so he can look up to 50 years younger in a movie.

“Even with state-of-the-art technology, Bill wants to look his best naturally,” squeals the insider. “And he’s beaming himself there at warp speed!”

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william shatner wants face lift youthful wife
Source: MEGA

He got back in orbit with Elizabeth, 64, three years after their $2 million divorce.

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Shatner is living on the edge, even going back in orbit with Elizabeth, 64, three years after their $2 million divorce. He called her “the zest of life.” Insiders say she is his motivation to stay young.

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