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Former Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale voted SNP due to anger over Brexit

Kezia Dugdale, Scottish Labour’s former leader, has admitted she once voted for the SNP because she was “so mad about Brexit”.

In an interview with BBC Radio 4 she said: “I voted SNP once in my life and that was in the European Union elections immediately after Brexit, where I was so mad about Brexit, I wanted to register to register a vote for them. And for that reason alone.

“I felt I could vote for the SNP in that European Union election, because that in no way could be construed as a vote for independence.”

But she added she had “voted Labour in every election since then, from the council to the Scottish Parliament, to the general election.”

Ms Dugdale said she voted for the pro-independence party at the European election in 2019 before the UK left the EU.

She spoke to BBC Radio 4 for an upcoming documentary on the general election battle in Scotland.

Ms Dugdale, who is now director of the John Smith Centre at the University of Glasgow, led Scottish Labour between 2015 and 2017.

In August last year, Ms Dugdale said her stance on independence had “moved” as she could no longer argue as strongly for the union as she did in 2014, but was not necessarily ready to vote Yes in a referendum.

The BBC documentary also spoke to current Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar, who said he believes 28 Scottish seats are “in play” at the general election.

Mr Sarwar said: “People talk a lot about tipping points in the polls. I think the tipping point in Scotland is around 35% – if we get around 35% in the polls then we are in competition to beat the SNP.”

First Minister and SNP leader Humza Yousaf said he looked forward to a “battle of ideas” at the general election.

“There’s no getting away from the fact that 2023 was a difficult year. I’m not going to treat you or your listeners as fools,” he told the BBC.

“But the general election presents an opportunity because, ultimately, a general election will be and should be a battle of ideas.

“And I think the SNP is strongest when it’s talking about policy.”

Scottish Conservative chairman Craig Hoy said pro-union voters would be “dismayed” as Ms Dugdale’s admission.

“This is even more evidence that you can’t get a cigarette paper between the SNP and Labour as on a wide range of key issues – such as gender recognition reform and oil and gas – you can’t tell the two parties apart,” he said.

A spokesperson for Scottish Labour said: “There is an overwhelming majority in Scotland and across the UK for change.

“That means Scotland can lead the way in getting rid of the Tories and maximising Scotland’s influence in the UK.

“So, our message to all voters is the same – we don’t care how you voted in the past.

“We are the only party in this country trying to persuade anyone and to unify it around change.”

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