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Singapore Airlines offers compensation to turbulence victims

Singapore Airlines has offered compensation to passengers on board a flight that was hit by turbulence so severe that dozens of passengers were injured and one died.

In a statement posted to social media, the airline said passengers with minor injuries had been offered $10,000 (£7,800).

It added that those with serious injuries could discuss an offer to meet their specific needs.

“Passengers medically assessed as having sustained serious injuries, requiring long-term medical care, and requesting financial assistance are offered an advance payment of $25,000 to address their immediate needs,” that will form part of any final settlement, it said.

“In addition to the above, SIA will provide a full refund of the air fare to all passengers travelling on SQ321 on 20 May 2024, including those who did not suffer any injuries. All passengers will also receive delay compensation in accordance with the relevant European Union or United Kingdom regulations,” it said.

A 73-year-old British man, Geoffrey Kitchen, died of a suspected heart attack and dozens were injured after flight SQ321 from London to Singapore on 20 May was hit by sudden, extreme turbulence while flying over Myanmar. The plane diverted and landed in Bangkok, Thailand.

A preliminary investigation last month found the plane dropped nearly 200 feet in five seconds when it experienced a rapid change in gravitational force.

Singapore’s Transport Safety Investigation Bureau, part of the country’s transport ministry, said: “The aircraft experienced a rapid change in G [gravitational force] … This likely resulted in the occupants who were not belted up to become airborne.”

Some passengers were reported to have suffered spinal cord, brain and skull injuries.

As of 4 June, 20 passengers were still receiving medical care in hospitals in Bangkok, the airline said.

There were 211 passengers, including many Australians, British and Singaporeans, and 18 crew members on the flight.

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