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The symptoms of E.coli and what it is, amid Scotland outbreak

One person has died following a UK outbreak of E.coli in England and Scotland which is linked to cheese products.

There has been 30 cases of a rare strain of the bacteria called Shiga toxin-producing E.coli (STEC) reported in the UK since July, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said.

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) announced on Christmas Eve it was recallin four different products from cheesemaker Mrs Kirkham’s Lancashire Cheese, over fears it was contaminated with E. coli.

The person who died lived in Scotland and others who are affected are aged between seven and 81.

But what is E.Coli, how dangerous it and what are the symptoms? i finds out everything you need to know.

E. coli is a bacteria that is found in the bowel of most people, while most strains of it are harmless, some – such as STEC produce toxins that can make you sick, cause diarrhoea and kill.

STEC is often transmitted via consumption of contaminated food but can also be spread by close contact with an infected person, as well as direct contact with an infected animal.

According to the UKHSA symptoms of STEC infections can vary, but it is typically transmitted by eating contaminated food.

What are the symptoms and how deadly is it?

Thorrun Govind, a pharmacist and health expert, gave i the low-down on the bacteria and how we can protect ourselves from it.

She told how symptoms of STEC infection can vary in severity, ranging from mild diarrhoea to severe abdominal cramps, vomiting and bloody diarrhoea.

Most people with a STEC infection start feeling sick three to four days after eating or drinking something that contains the bacteria but illnesses can start anywhere from one to ten days after exposure, she said.

Ms Govind said people with E.coli can stop the spread of the bacteria by isolating themselves at home for 48 hours from the onset of their symptoms and not prepare food for others.

Ms Govind also said the best way to stop the spread of the bacteria is by washing their hands with warm water – not hand gels – and cleaning surfaces with bacteria based products.

She also stressed people should not be preparing food for anyone if they have a case of E.coli.

Ms Govind said those who are particulary vulnerable to severe effects of STEC should avoid unpasturised dairy products as they can be a breeding ground for the bacteria.

She urged people to take steps to protect themselves from E.Coli, saying: “It is important to do what we have been told to do.

“If you are at home you need to be isolated. You need to think about other people as well. You need to not return to work for 48 hours after symptoms have started.”

She said that it is “not unusual” for there to be outbreaks of food poisoning over the Christmas period as many people are “spending time together” and lots of food is being prepared in homes.

Miss Govind also warned that five to ten per cent of people can have have life-threatening complications or die as a result of contracting STEC – but for most people it will be a mild illness.

She people who have a deadly case of STEC have a decreased need to urinate, feel very tired and lose the pink colour in their cheeks.

According to the UKHSA up to 15% of cases of infection can lead to the development of haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS), a serious and life-threatening condition that affecs the kidneys, which can result in death. 

HUS is most often seen in young children under 5 years – but can also affect other vulnerable groups, including the elderly.

In 2019, there were 1,720 confirmed cases of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) reported in England and Wales.

Can STEC be treated?

According to Public Health England there is no specific treatment for STEC infection the illness will clear itself within a week.

They said it is important to drink plenty of fluids as diarrhoea can lead to dehydration.

It also does not reccomment people take antibiotics as they likely to increase the risk of getting complications such as HUS.

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